
Archive for the ‘Iron Maiden’ Category

Conform metalhead.ro, Bruce Dickinson, solistul trupei Iron Maiden a transportat pe calea aerului un grup de turisti britanici naufragiati pe insula Sharm El Sheikh, Egipt.

Dickinson a pilotat un avion apartinand companiei Monarch Airlines.

Cei care l-au recunoscut pe solistul Iron Maiden au fost surprinsi ca tocmai acesta a fost
pilotul care s-a deplasat in Egipt pentru a aduce acasa naufragiatii.

Recent, un avion apartinand liniilor aeriene britanice care i-a transportat pe militarii
englezi din Afganistan inapoi acasa, a fost pilotat de nimeni altul decat solistul Iron Maiden,
Bruce Dickinson.

Militarii au declarat ca au fost extrem de uimiti cand au descoperit cine este pilotul.

Ofiterul Albert Finney povesteste:

Am mers la pilot sa il intreb daca poate transporta intregul echipament. Nu mi-a venit sa cred cand am vazut cine era. Stiam ca Bruce Dickinson zboara cu Astraeus, dar oricum, sansele erau destul de mici sa fie chair el, incheie acesta.

La randul sau, Dickinson se pare ca a fost incantat sa fie el cel care ii duce pe militarii
britanici acasa dupa o absenta de sapte luni.

Piesa zilei, nu poate fi deci decat de la Iron Maiden. Am ales “Rainmaker”


When I was wandering in the desert and was searching for the truth .
I heard a choir of angels calling out my name.
I had the feeling that my life would never be the same again
I turned my face towards the barren sun.

And I know, of the pain, that you feel the same as me.
And I dream, of the rain, as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks, in our lives, like a cracks upon the ground.
They are sealed, and are now, washed away.

You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away.
You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.

And I know, of the pain, that you feel the same as me.
And I dream, of the rain, as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks, in the ground, like the cracks are in our lives.
They are sealed, and are now, far away.

You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away.
You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.

You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away.
You tell me we can start the rain.
You tell me that we all can change.
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.

And I know, of the pain, that you feel the same as me.
And I dream, of the rain, as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks, in the ground, like the cracks are in our lives.
They are sealed, and are now, far away.

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Up the Irons!

Si uite ca s-a intamplat: concert Iron Maiden la Bucuresti, cu Bruce Dickinson ca front man. Parafrazand tilul cartii mele (apropo mai am vreo 60 exemplare la 10 lei bucata), “7 ani de cautari” voi spune ca a meritat fiecare secunda, fiecare clipa de memorat cu placere zeci de texte si linii melodice.

A meritat pana si inghesuiala pricinuita de organizatori la poarta de acces. Desi pe bilet scria acces ora 16, organizatorii nu au permis intrarea decat la ora 18. Multimea a fost destul de calma, desi in unele momente au strigat trivialitati si au aruncat cu huiduieli. Personal, am initiat si eu cateva refrene scandate de ceata de maidenisti :D. Totusi, Emagic, organizatorul ar fi putut evita acest trist moment, care din pacate e specific poporului roman.

Dupa ce s-a permis accesul lumea a inceput sa navaleasca intr-o miscare browniana spre locuri caldute aproape de scena. Am apreciat apa data de organizatori, chiar daca nu era in ratii foarte consistente. La Maiden nu a plouat, un alt aspect imbucurator, fapt ce ma face sa spun o gluma: “Maiden nu e satanisti cum e Metallica” 😛.

Prima care a deschis concertul a fost fiica lui Steve Harris. Lauren, 23 de ani a avut o prestatie buna alaturi de trupa ei. Superba bruneta, canta un rock tineresc, ce se apropie de stilurile pop-rock, glam-rock. Bassistul ei a cantat alaturi de celebrii Thin Lizzie, iar chitaristul a dat dovada unui talent deosebit. Prestatiei mezinei Harris, una dintre cei 7 copii ai basistului ii acord nota 7, pentru tinerete, ambitie si un aspect fizic de-a dreptul halucinant, in sensul “what a fucking chick”.

Dupa cateva minute si-au facut aparitia Trooper, cea mai potrivita formatie de la noi pentru a deschide Iron Maiden. Cu un show bine pus la punct, trupetii nu au avut decat 40 minute sa isi etaleze muzica in fata a 25000 de oameni. Baietii au avut si ghinionul sa cada un generator, intrerupandu-le piesa “Inca un strigat’ Singurul minus este set-listul nu tocmai bine ales. In rest aceeasi prestatie de nota 10 ca de obicei, cuun Coiot intr-o verva extraordinara.

Dupa o ora de asteptare s-a ivit si momentul mult asteptat al serii: The irons! Trupa a deschis seara cu piesa Transylvania, urmata de imnurile Aces High si 2 minutes 2 midnight. Publicul a fost minunat, Bruce extrem de vioi. La cei 50 de ani ai sai, solistul Maiden s-a zbenguit toata seara, facandu-l uitat pe James Hetfield, a carui prestatie nu poate fi comparata cu a Zeului Heavy metal. Bruce a intruchipat diverse personaje ale istoriei Maiden, din piesele: Powerslave, Trooper, Rime of the ancient Mariner.

La piesa Number of the beast, publicul s-a incalzit cu flacari ce ieseau de sub scena, iar la doua dintre piese si-a facut aparitia mascota Eddie. Unul dintre cei doi Eddie a atentat la integritatea lui Adrian Smith, avand o ianltime de aproximativ 3,5 m-4m. Nu am apucat sa raman cu nicio amintire dela Maiden, fiind doar norocos sa prin una din penele lui Oscar de la Trooper.

Povestile lui Bruce, solourile lui Murray, Gers si Smith, vigoarea lui Nicko si nebunia inca tanara a lui Harris sunt partile frumoase ale acestui concert.

Partea neagra, proabil singura a fost specula facuta de un bodyguard, care pentru pana lui Dave Murray a primit 200 lei! Rusine, rusine de trei ori rusine acestei scursuri avide de bani pentru care Iron Maiden nu difera deloc de mahalaua in care probabil asculta manelele cu iz de usturoi.

Seara s-a incheiat frumos, in acord de Hallowed be thy name, una dintre cele mai deosebite compozitii rock din toate timpurile. Maiden cu siguranta vor reveni in Romania, doar au promis celor 25000 de suflete!

Set list:

Intro. Transylvania/Churchill’s Speech
1. Aces High (Powerslave, 1984)
2. 2 Minutes to Midnight (Powerslave, 1984)
3. Revelations (Piece of Mind, 1983)
4. The Trooper (Piece of Mind, 1983)
5. Wasted Years (Somewhere in Time, 1986)
6. The Number of The Beast (The Number of the Beast, 1982)
7. Can I Play with Madness (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 198 8)
8. Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Powerslave, 1984)
9. Powerslave (Powerslave, 1984)
10. Heaven Can Wait (Somewhere in Time, 1986)
11. Run to the Hills (The Number of the Beast, 1982)
12. Fear of The Dark (Fear of The Dark, 1992)
13. Iron Maiden (Iron Maiden, 1980)


14. Moonchild (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 1988)
15. The Clairvoyant (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 1988)
16. Hallowed Be Thy Name (The Number of the Beast, 1982).

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Iron Maiden V

Dupa plecarea lui Bruce cel care reorganizeaza grupul este acelasi vesnic Steve Harris prin cooptarea solistului Blaise Dayley, fost in trupa Wolfsbane.

Inceputul lunii octombrie, a scos pe piaţă noul produs discografic semnat Iron Maiden, albumul intitulat “The X-Factor“, un opus ce conţine 14 piese, între care figurează, pentru prima oară în cariera grupului, doua cover versions (UFO şi The Who). Din păcate, Blaze Bailey nu a convins şi mulţi deja s-au gândit cu nostalgie la perioada cu Bruce. Discul nu sună rău, are multe parţi care au farmecul celor din perioada de aur, dar parcă nu e un întreg ca pe vremuri. Şi al doilea disc Maiden cu Blaze – “Virtual XI” – nu a picat prea bine cu toate ca nici acesta nu e un produs chiar rău. De fapt, era clar ca locul lui Blaze nu era la Maiden şi ceea ce trebuia să se întample s-a intâmplat. Bruce Dickinson s-a reîntors în grup dupa mulţi ani de absenţă.

Pentru aceste albume nu voi face un top personal, neapreciind prea mult aceasta perioada. Va propun totusi spre auditie piesa “The Clansman”



Wake alone in the hills
With the wind in your face
It feels good to be proud
And be free and a race
That is part of a clan
And to live on highlands
And the air that you breathe
So pure and so clean

When alone on the hills
With the wind in your hair
With a longing to feel ..
Just to be free

Is it right to believe
In the need to be free
Its a time when you die
And without asking why
Cant you see what they do
They are grinding us down
They are taking our land
That belongs to the clans

Not alone with a dream
Just want to be free
With a need to belong
I am a clansman …..freedom

Its a time wrought with fear
Its a land wrought with change

Ancestors could hear
What is happening now
They would turn in their graves
They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free
Has been written in chains
And I know what I want

When the timing is right
Then Ill take what is mine
I am the clansman

And I swear to defend
And well fight to the end
And I swear that Ill never
Be taken alive
And I know that well stand
And well fight for our land
And I swear that my bairns will be born free

And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then Ill take what I want
I am the clansman …..freedom

And I know what I want when the timing is right
Then Ill take what is mine I am the clansman

No, no we cant let them take anymore
No we cant let them take anymore
Weve the land of the free

Is it right to believe
In the need to be free
Its a time when you die
And without asking why
Cant you see what they do
They are grinding us down
They are taking our land
That belongs to the clans

Not alone with a dream
Just want to be free
With a need to belong
I am a clansman

And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then Ill take what is mine
I am the clansman ? ..freedom

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Iron Maiden IV

Fanii sunt descumpăniţi, iar anii următori nu par să fie benefici pentru Iron Maiden. Plecarea lui Adrian Smith, care începuse să aibă idei muzicale complet diferite de acel trade mark care îi impusese pe Iron Maiden nu a aranjat deloc lucrurile, iar tăcerea prelungită a celorlalţi componenţi ai grupului nu parea să fie deloc de bun augur. A fost de ajuns să se afle faptul că Bruce Dickinson lucrează la doua proiecte cvasipersonale, în speţa fiind vorba de un roman intitulat “The Adventures Of Lord Iffy Boatrace” şi, lucru mai grav, de un album solo purtând numele “Tattooed Millionaire”, pentru ca zvonurile să inceapă să circule în presa de specialitate. Se vehicula ideea iminentei plecări a lui Dickinson de la Iron Maiden, jurnaliştii dând ca sigură înlocuirea sa cu Michael Kiske. Cum lucrurile luaseră deja o întorsătură neplacută, Steve Harris şi-a mobilizat colegii, integrându-l în trupă pe chitaristul Janick Gers, vechi fan Maiden, dupa o singură repetiţie. Maşina de heavy metal era gata de fapte mari, motivaţia aparuse din nou, toţi cei cinci muzicieni erau hotărâţi să arate întregii lumi că spiritul Iron Maiden s-a păstrat nealterat. Totul a mers ca pe roate, cei cinci regăsind bucuria de a face o muzică simplă, dar personală. No Prayer For The Dying” este de fapt urmarea logică a albumului “The Number Of The Beast”, mulţi fani au ramas fideli acelei perioade, marturisea Dave Murray. In timpul inregistratilor am resimtit un entuziasm pe care nu-l mai regasisem de multi ani, acest nou album este ca o reintoarcere la originile istoriei Iron Maiden.

Top personal:

1. “No Prayer for the Dying” (Harris) – 4:23

2. “Bring Your Daughter…To the Slaughter” (Dickinson) – 4:45

3. “Holy Smoke” (Dickinson, Harris) – 3:49

4. “Tailgunner” (Dickinson, Harris) – 4:15

5. “Run Silent Run Deep” (Dickinson, Harris) – 4:35

Propun spre auditie “No prayer for the dying”


There are times when I’ve wondered
And times when I’ve cried
When my prayers they were answered
At times when I’ve lied
But if you asked me a question
Would I tell you the truth
Now there’s something to bet on
You’ve got nothing to lose

When i’ve sat by the window
And gazed at the rain
With an ache in my heart
But never feeling the pain
And if you would tell me
Just what my life means
Walking a long road
Never reaching the end

God give me the answer to my life
God give me the answer to my dreams
God give me the answer to my prayers
God give me the answer to my being

Albumul a fost remasterizat în 1998, iar CD-ul conţine o secţiune multimedia cu videoclipuri, galerie foto, biografie, linkuri internet şi o copertă cu 24 de pagini color cu fotografii şi desene cu Eddie, mascota trupei.

Părerile sunt însă împărţite, deşi imediat dupa apariţia albumului domnise un entuziasm general, iar Steve Harris & co. vor fi nevoiţi să schimbe din mers tactica, rămânând să confirme abia in 1992 cu “Fear Of The Dark“, deşi nici acest album nu întruneşte elogiile întregii critici. Într-un fel este explicabil, genul heavy metal s-a schimbat extrem de mult, devenind din ce în ce mai divers, iar o realizare precum “The Number Of The Beast” poate părea deşuetă în contextul actual.

Plecarea lui Bruce Dickinson avea sa pună din nou pe tapet zvonurile privind desfiinţarea grupului, “confirmate” întrucâtva şi de editarea în 1993 a celor două albume live, “A Real Live One” şi “A Real Dead One“, considerate pe atunci ca un fel de adio spus fanilor.

Top album:

1. “Afraid to Shoot Strangers” (Harris) – 6:56

2. “Fear of the Dark” (Harris) – 7:18

3.  “Wasting Love” (Dickinson, Gers) – 5:50

4. “Be Quick or Be Dead” (Dickinson, Gers) – 3:24

5. “Chains of Misery” (Murray, Dickinson) – 3:37

Piesele “Be Quick or Be Dead”, “From Here to Eternity” şi “Wasting Love” au fost lansate ca single-uri. Va propun spre auditie piesa “Afraid to shoot strangers”


Lying awake at night I wipe the sweat from my brow
But its not the fear cos Id rather go now

Trying to visualise the horrors that will lay ahead
The desert sand mound a burial ground

When it comes to time
Are we partners in crime?
When it comes to time
Well be ready to die

God let us go now and finish whats to be done
Thy kingdom come thy shall be done… on earth

Trying to justify to ourselves the reasons to go
Should we live and let live forget or forgive

But how can we let them go on this way?
The reign of terror corruption must end
And we know deep down theres no other way
No trust, no reasoning, no more to say

Afraid to shoot strangers
Afraid to shoot strangers

Va urma

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Iron Maiden III

In 1984 Iron Maiden trece intr-o alta dimensiune, si anume Era Imnurilor. Aici remarcam tematica istorica in versuri, in special in piesa Aces High. Albumul, aparut pe 3 septembrie 1984 are cateva caracteristici ce il fac deosebit:

1. este primul album care mentine aceeasi componenta ca la un album precedent

2. este ultimul disc de studio pe care trupa include o piesa instrumentala, “Losfer Words (Big ‘Orra)”

3. este un album controversat, unii considerandu-l cel i bun, altii unul dintre cele mai slabe din discografia Maiden.

4. cuprinde cel mai lung cantec inregistrat vreodata de trupa, “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.

Topul personal pentru acest album:

1. “Aces High” (Steve Harris) – 4:29

2. “Flash of the Blade” (Dickinson) – 4:02

3. “2 Minutes to Midnight” (Bruce Dickinson, Adrian Smith) – 6:02

4. “Back in the Village” (Dickinson, Smith) – 5:02 (5:20 on the 1998 re-release)

5. “Back in the Village” (Dickinson, Smith) – 5:02 (5:20 on the 1998 re-release)

De pe acest album va propun spre ascultare o piesa mai putin mediatizata, Flash of the Blade.

As a young boy chasing dragons with your wooden sword so mighty,
You’re St. George or you’re David and you always killed the beast.
Times change very quickly,
and you had to grow up early,
A house in smoking ruins and the bodies at your feet.


You’ll die as you lived
In a flash of the blade,
In a corner, forgotten by no one.
You lived for the touch
For the feel of the steel
One man, and his honour.

The smell of resined leather
The steely iron mask
As you cut and thrust and parried at the fencing master’s call.
He taught you all he ever knew
To fear no mortal man
and now you’ll wreak your vengeance in the
Screams of evil men.


Albumul a fost urmat de un grandios turneu ce a adunat 193 de concerte in 13 luni, fiind unul dintre cele mai impresionate din istoria heavy-metal-ului. Acesta s-a numit World Slavery Tour, iar in timpul acestuia trupa a inregistrat un disc live numit  Live After Death.

Anul 1986 aduce o nouă schimbare de concepţie în optica muzicală Iron Maiden, albumul “Somewhere In Time” nemaifiind o creaţie aparţinând aproape exclusiv lui Steve Harris, de data aceasta aducandu-şi o importantă contribuţie la compunerea pieselor şi Adrian Smith, iar rezultatul poate fi lesne constatat în tenta progresivă imprimată întregului album. Fiind albumul aparut in anul in care m-am nascut voi aprecia continuarea tematicii istorice in piesa “Alexander The Great” piesa pe care Iron Maiden nu a cantat-o niciodata in concert. Consider ca acest album este un moment de ratacire al band-ului britanic, de trannzitie spre perioada anilor 90.

Topul personal la acest disc:

1. “Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.)” (Harris) – 8:37

2. “Wasted Years” (Smith) – 5:07

3. “Heaven Can Wait” (Harris) – 7:21

4. “Déjà Vu” (Harris, Murray) – 4:56

5. “Caught Somewhere in Time” (Harris) – 7:25

Va propun spre audiere piesa “Heaven can wait”


Can’t understand what is happening to me,
This isn’t real, this is only a dream,
But I never have felt, no I never have felt this way before,
I’m looking down on my body below,
I lie asleep in the midst of a dream,
Is it now could it be that the angel of death has come for me?
I can’t believe that really my time has come,
I don’t feel ready, there’s so much left undone,
And it’s my soul and I’m not gonna let it get away.

Heaven can wait,
Heaven can wait,
Heaven can wait,
Heaven can wait til another day.

[Reapeat chorus]

I have a lust for the Earth below
And Hell itself is my only foe,
‘Cause I’ve no fear of dying,
I’ll go when I’m good and ready,
I snatch a glimpse of the light’s eternal rays,
I see a tunnel, I stand amazed,
At all of the people standing there in front of me,
Into the paths of rightness I’ll be led,
Is this the place where the living join the dead?
I wish I knew this was only just a nightmare.

[Chorus *2]

Take my hand, I’ll lead you to the promised land,
Take my hand, I’ll give you immortality,
Eternal youth, I’ll take you to the other side,
To see the truth, the path for you is decided.

Oh Oh * lots.

My body tingles, I feel so strange,
I feel so tired, I feel so drained,
And I’m wondering if I’ll ever be the same again,
Is this in limbo or in Heaven or Hell?
Maybe I’m going down there as well,
I can’t accept my soul will drift forever.
I feel myself floating back down to Earth,
So could this be the hour of my rebirth?
Or have I died or will I wake from dreaming?


Experimentul continuă în acelaşi sens şi pe “Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son” (1988), de această dată fiind folosite chiar şi sintetizatoare, lucru ce părea de neconceput cu numai câţiva ani înainte. E clar unul din cele mai bune albume, pentru reuseste sa invinga perioada de tranzitie de la precedentul album, si criticile care blamau sintetizatoarele. Trupa pune din nou pe picioare o piesa epica, care da si titlul albumului, dar si piese cu versuri memorabile precum “Infinite dreams”( de ce nu o cantati bre la Bucuresti?).

Top personal:

1. “Infinite Dreams” (Steve Harris) – 6:09

2. “The Evil That Men Do” (Smith, Dickinson, Harris) – 4:34

3. “Can I Play with Madness” (Smith, Dickinson, Harris) – 3:31

4. “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” (Harris) – 9:53

5.  “Only the Good Die Young” (Harris, Dickinson) – 4:42

Propun spre ascultare Infinite dreams


Infinite dreams I can’t deny them
Infinity is hard to comprehend
I couldn’t hear those screams
Even in my wildest dreams

Suffocation waking in a sweat
Scared to fall asleep again
Incase the dream begins again
Someone chasing and cannot move
Standing rigid a nightmare’s statue
What a dream when will it end
And will I transcend?

Restless sleep the minds in turmoil
One nightmare ends another fertile
Getting to me so scared to sleep
But scared to wake now, in too deep

Even though its reached new heights
I rather like the restless nights
It makes me wonder it makes me think
There’s more to this I’m on the brink
It’s not the fear of what’s beyond
It’s just that I might not respond
I have an interest almost craving
But would I like to get too far in?

It can’t be all coincidence
Too many things are evident
You tell me you’re an unbeliever
Spiritualist? Well me I’m neither
But wouldn’t you like to know
The truth
Of what’s out there to have the proof
And find out just which side
You’re on
Where would you end in Heaven or
In Hell?

Help me. Help me to find my true
Self without seeing the future
Save me, save me from torturing
Myself even within my dreams

There’s got to be just more to it
Than this
Or tell me why do we exist
I’d like to think that when I die
I’d get a chance another time
And to return and live again
Reincarnate, play the game
Again and again and again

Va urma

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Anul 1982 aduce o modificare importanta in destinul trupei. In locul lui Paul DiAnno soseste Bruce Dickinson, unul dintre cei mai reprezentativi solisti de heavy metal ai tuturor timpurilor. Numele sau adevarat este Paul Dickinson, insa solistul a adoptat prenumele Bruce inca de tanar din motive necunoscute. S-a nascut pe 7 august 1958 in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. Dupa mutarea in Sheffield, Bruce devine captivat de trupele de rock ale anilor ’70, ca de exemplu, Deep Purple. Prima tentativa muzicala a lui Bruce se petrece ca tobosar, dar se incheie rapid fara prea mult succes. Dupa acest episod, Bruce incepe sa cante alaturi de trupe locale, dintre care amintim trei nume: Styx, Speed si Shots. Niciuna dintre aceste trupe nu a depasit statutul de trupa locala, fapt ce se va petrece atunci cand Dickinson se va alatura trupei, Samson. Numele trupei provine de la chitaristul Paul Samson, specializat pe heavy metal, cu toate ca in acea perioada Marea Britanie era cuprinsa de febra punk. Viitorul solist Iron Maiden a adoptat in aceasta perioada a carierei numele de scena Bruce Bruce. Trupa a realizat o serie de materiale discografice, printre care se remarca “Head On”(1980) si “Shock Tactics”(1981), dar nu a reusit sa se bucure de o popularitate ca trupele din NWOBHM, precum: Def Leppard. Judas Priest sau Iron Maiden. Invocand “diferente de abordare muzicala”, Bruce paraseste trupa in vara anului 1981, la putin timp dupa ce Samson apare la festivalul Reading.

Tot in acelasi an Dickinson se alatura trupei Iron Maiden, realizand in anul 1982 un album de referinta in istoria heavy metalului anilor 80. Unii spun ca ar fi cel mai bun album metal din istorie, eu consider ca nu e bine sa mergem atat de departe in categorisire. Topul meu personal pentru acest disc este urmatorul:

1. “Hallowed Be Thy Name” (Harris) – 7:10

2. ” The Number of the Beast” (Harris) – 4:50

3. “Children of the Damned” (Harris) – 4:34

4. “The Prisoner” (Adrian Smith, Harris) – 6:02

5. “Run to the Hills” (Harris) – 3:52

Albumul a starnit multe controverse din partea Bisericii, datorita numelui, dar si a copertii in special in Statele Unite. Discul a ocupat prima pozitie in Anglia, iar single-lul “Run to the Hills” a ajuns pe locul 7, in timp ce piesa de titlu a albumului s-a clasat pe 18.

In continuare va las sa va bucurati de piesa de titlu a albumului.


Woe to You Oh Earth and Sea
for the Devil sends the beast with wrath
because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding
reckon the number of the beast
for it is a human number
its number is six hundred and sixty six.

I lived alone my mind was blank
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind

What did I see? Could I believe? That what I saw
that night was real and not just fantasy

Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me?

‘Cause in my dreams it’s always there the evil face that twists my mind
and brings me to despair

Night was black was no use holding back
‘Cause I just had to see was someone watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
was all this for real or just some kind of hell
666 the Number of the Beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Torches blazed and sacred chants were phrased
as they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires are burning bright
the ritual has begun Satan’s work is done
666 the Number of the Beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight

This can’t go on I must inform the law
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?
but I feel drawn towards the chanting hordes
seem to mesmerise…can’t avoid their eyes
666 the Number of the Beast
666 the one for you and me

I’m coming back I will return
And I’ll possess your body and I’ll make you burn
I’ll have the fire I’ll have the force
I’ll have the power to make my evil take its course

Anul 1983 aduce albumul meu preferat, Piece of mind, un album pe care il cataloghez drept cel mai sensibil, cel mai vast din punct de vedere al temelor adoptate si cel mai potrivit pentru a fi ascultat intr-o dimineata ploioasa, cand te afli departe de aglomeratiile urbane.

Premergator acestei lansari,Clive Burr paraseste trupa datorita unor probleme personale, fiind inlocuit de Nicko McBrain, anterior la trupa franceza Trust.

Top 5 Piece of Mind:

1. “Revelations” (Bruce Dickinson) – 6:48

2.  “The Trooper” (Harris) – 4:10

3.  “To Tame a Land” (Harris) – 7:27

4. “Flight of Icarus” (Dickinson, Adrian Smith) – 3:51

5. Die With Your Boots On” (Dickinson, Smith, Harris) – 5:28

Acest album are cea mai mare inspiratie in literatura. Piesa “To Tame a Land“are inspiratia in romanul Dune al lui Frank Herbert, “Flight of Icarus” are radacini in mitologia greaca, iar “Where eagleas dare” are originea in romanul si filmul lui Alistair MacLean.

In continuare va las cu piesa “To tame a land”:


He is the king of all the land
In the Kingdom of the sands
Of a time tomorrow.

He rules the sandworms and the Fremen
In a land amongst the stars
Of an age tomorrow.

He is destined to be a King
He rules over everything
On the land called planet Dune.

Bodywater is your life
And without it you would die
On the desert the planet Dune.

Without a stillsuit you would fry
On the sands so hot and dry
In a world called Arrakis.

It is a land that’s rich in spice
The sandriders and the “mice”
That they call the “Muad’Dib”.

He is the Kwizatz Haderach.
He is born of Caladan
And will take the Gom Jabbar.

He has the power to foresee
Or to look into the past
He is the ruler of the stars

The time will come for him
to lay claim his crown,
And then the foe yes
they’ll be cut down,
You’ll see he’ll be the
best that there’s been,
Messiah supreme
true leader of men,
And when the time
for judgement’s at hand
Don’t fret he’s strong
and he’ll make a stand,
Against evil and fire
That spreads through the land,
He has the power
to make it all end.

Va urma….

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Aceasta prezentare se doreste sa fie un preview la concertul Iron Maiden, de pe 4 august. Trupa ia fiinta in 1975, la initiativa lui Steve Harris, bassistul trupei. Prima componenta a trupei nu mai regaseste in membrii actuali decat pe Harris. Ceilalti erau:  Paul Day (voce), Terry Rance (chitară), Dave Sullivan (chitară) şi Ron Matthews (baterie). Trupa activeaza in underground-ul britanic, neacceptand ideea de a trece la punk in schimbul unui contract avantajos cu o casa de discuri.

Prima inregistrare este realizată la graniţa dintre 1978 şi 1979, pentru ca prima apariţie discografică, EP-ul “The Soundhouse Tapes” ce conţine piesele “Iron Maiden”, “Invasion” şi “Prowler”, să fie editată (în numai 5.000 de exemplare) în toamna anului 1979. Înregistrare pe care îi gasim, alaturi de Steve Harris, pe chitariştii Dave Murray şi Tony Parsons, vocalul Paul Di Anno (unul din punctele forte ale concertelor grupului) şi pe bateristul Doug Sampson. Între timp, beneficiind şi de ajutorul managerului Rod Smallwood, devenit persoană cheie în domeniul administrativ legat de Iron Maiden, dar bazându-se în primul rand pe muzica sa originală şi lipsită de compromisuri, grupul intră în vizorul importantei case de discuri EMI, cu care va semna un contract în decembrie 1979.

Pentru înregistrarea primului LP sunt recrutaţi bateristul Clive Burr şi chitaristul Dennis Stratton, în timp ce coperta cade în sarcina graficianului Derek Riggs. Astfel că, o data cu prima realizare discografică importantă semnata Iron Maiden, albumul autointitulat apărut în 1980, se naşte Eddie The Head, cel care va deveni mascota oficială a grupului, nelipsită de pe coperţile următoarelor albume, de pe scenele pe care a concertat Iron Maiden, figurând de asemenea pe toate materialele lor promoţionale.

In  anul 1980, trupa lanseaza primul album, purtand numele “Iron Maiden”, disc extrem de valoros pentru tot ce va insemna fenomenul New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Pe acest album regasim piese precum: Iron maiden, Phantom of the opera, Remember Tomorrow sau Sanctuary. daca ar fi sa realizez un top al acestui album ordinea ar fi urmatoarea:

1. “Phantom of the Opera” (Harris) – 7:05

2. “Strange World” (Harris) – 5:32

3. “Sanctuary” (Paul Di’Anno, Harris, Dave Murray) – 3:16

4. “Iron Maiden” (Harris) – 3:38

5. “Transylvania” (Harris) – 4:19

De altfel piesa “Phantom of the Opera” e cea care va pastra mereu aproape de fani prezenta lui Paul DiAnno, desi acesta nu a participat decat la realizarea a doua materiale discografice.

Anul 1981 aduce o schimbare importantă în grup, prin venirea lui Adrian Smith, acesta şi Dave Murray formând de aici înainte un duo chitaristic de calibru. În acelaşi timp, producatorul Martin Birch, cunoscut mai ales datorită colaborarii sale cu Deep Purple, devine al şaselea component al echipei Iron Maiden, iar succesul albumului “Killers” permite grupului să efectueze un turneu european în postura de headliner, continuat cu un turneu sold-out în Japonia şi cu deschiderea turneului american al celor de la Judas Priest. Pe acest album regasim piese precum: Wrathchild, Purgatory sau KIllers.

Topul personal pentru acest disc:

1.  “Wrathchild” (Harris) – 2:54

2. “Killers” (Di’Anno, Harris) – 5:01

3. “The Ides of March” (Harris) – 1:45

4. “Murders in the Rue Morgue” (Harris) – 4:19

5. “Purgatory” (Harris) – 3:20

O data cu succesul trupei, au venit si problemele. Paul Di’Anno avea probleme cu dependenta de cocaina, iar prestatia scenica a avut de suferit datorita acestui aspect. La sfarsitul anului, trupa a decis sa il concedieze si asa Bruce Dickinson a devenit noul solist al trupei.

To be continued

Va las sa savurati Phantom of the Opera…


I’ve been looking so long for you now you won’t get away from my grasp.
You’ve been living so long in hiding,hiding behind that false mask.
And you know and I know that you ain’t got that long to last.
Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.

Standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.
Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.
I know that you’re going to scratch me and maim me and maul.
You know I’m helpless from your mesmerising cat call.

Keep your distance, walk away, don’t take his bait.
Don’t you stray, don’t fade away.
Watch your step, he’s out to get you, come what may.
Don’t you stray, from the narrow way.

I’m running and hiding in my dreams you’re always there.
You’re the Phantom of the Opera, you’re the devil, you’re just out to scare.
You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.
you haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

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